Website of the Week --
Glasspockets is a Foundation
Center initiative that champions philanthropic transparency in an online world.
Launched in 2010, but with roots dating back to the Center’s founding in 1956,
Glasspockets provides the data, resources, examples, and action steps
foundations need to understand the value of transparency, be more open in their
own communications, and help shed more light on how private organizations are
serving the public good. with Glasspockets, the Foundation Center and its
partners are working to:
- Inspire private foundations to greater openness in their communications
- Increase understanding of best practices in foundation transparency and accountability in an online world
- Illustrate how institutional philanthropy is relevant to the critical issues of our time
- Highlight the many stories of philanthropy that show how private wealth is serving the public good
- Illuminate successes, failures, and ongoing experimentation so foundations can build on each other's ideas to increase impact
For more information, go to:
Publication of the Week
-- The Art of Membership by Sheri Jacobs
From the publisher: Member
engagement, recruitment, and retention are fundamental activities that all
membership organizations must master to ensure the growth and viability of
their organizations over the long term. The Art of Membership by Sheri Jacobs,
CAE, provides associations and membership organizations with the practical
tools they need to build a loyal and diverse membership base over the long
term. Readers will be able to put the tools to work immediately regardless
organization size, budget, culture, type, or environment. The recommendations
are concrete, irrefutable and backed by data derived from ASAE research, the
author's own more than 40 Market Research Studies conducted with her team
encompassing members and nonmembers from organizations of all types and sizes
and her more than 15 years of experience developing and executing membership
recruitment and retention plans for more than 100 associations. The book
contains ample cases and examples from associations, nonprofits and for-profits
(pricing strategies, value propositions, and marketing tactics) in addition to
chapter-by-chapter "how-to" guides with checklists and worksheets
that break down the concepts from goal to strategy to tactics culminating in an
actionable "to-do" list.
Trend of the Week -- Fundraising Effectiveness Trends
The 2013 Fundraising
Effectiveness Project report developed by the Association of Fundraising
Professionals (AFP) and the Urban Institute, summarizes data from 2,840 survey
respondents covering year-to-year fundraising results for 2011-2012. Key
findings include:
- Gains of $769 million in gifts from new, upgraded current, and previously lapsed donors were offset by losses of $735 million through reduced gifts and lapsed donors. This means that, while there was a positive $34 million net growth-in-giving, every $100 gained in 2012 was offset by $96 in losses through gift attrition. That is, 96 percent of gains in giving were offset by losses in giving.
- Gains of 866,000 in new and previously lapsed donors were offset by losses of 909,000 in lapsed donors. This means that there was a negative (44,000) growth-in-donors and every 100 donors gained in 2012 was offset by 105 in lost donors through attrition. That is, 105 percent of the donors gained were offset by lapsed donors.
- Growth-in-giving performance varies significantly according to organization size (based on total amount raised), with larger organizations performing much better than smaller ones.
- The largest growth in gift dollars/donors came from new gifts/donors, and the pattern was most pronounced in the organizations with the highest growth-in-giving ratios.
- The greatest losses in gift dollars came from lapsed new gifts, particularly in the organizations with the lowest and highest growth-in-giving ratios. The greatest losses in donors came from lapsed new donors in all growth-in-giving categories.
To download a copy of the
report, go to:
Resource of the Week – Consent Agenda Guide
To expedite business at a
board meeting, the board can approve the use of a consent agenda that includes
those items considered to be routine in nature. Full information about these
items should be provided to the board in advance in the board packet and any
questions or concerns can be directed to the makers of the motions and answered
prior to the meeting. This allows thorough examination of the routine items
without using up precious board meeting time. BoardStar has prepared an
excellent guide to the use of consent agendas. The three page guide is thorough
and concise at the same time. To download a .pdf file, go to:
Tech Tip of the Week -- Selecting
a Range in Excel 2007/2010
In Excel, a range is a group
of connected cells. When working in Excel you often need to select a
range. Here is a simple trick for
quickly selecting a range:
- Click anywhere within the range
- Press Ctrl + A
- The range is selected
If the worksheet does not
contain data, Ctrl + A selects the entire worksheet. Another way to select the entire worksheet is
to click the button in the upper left corner of the worksheet