Monday, March 25, 2013

Picks of the Week: March 24 - 30, 2013

Website of the Week --  Leadership Learning Community
The Leadership Learning Community (LLC) is a national organization of people who run, fund, study, and provide services to leadership development programs in the belief that leadership can change our communities, organizations, and the world. The aim of the LLC is to strengthen collective and individual capacity to transform society by connecting the learning, practice and resources of those committed to leadership development. To this end the Leadership Learning Community continuously documents learning and knowledge development to share with the field. LLC also encourages others in the community to do the same and contribute documents to the knowledge and resources available on the website You will find documents in Adobe PDF format that include program materials, evaluations, meeting notes, scans, reports, guidelines, and learning reflections as well as links to videos, images and other websites relevant to the field. You can browse all documents or search by key word, tag, or author below. Go to:

Publication of the Week -- Social Marketing and Social Change: Strategies and Tools For Improving Health, Well-Being, and the Environment by R. Craig Lefebvre
From the publisher: How can we facilitate more effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable solutions to the problems that confound our communities and world? Social marketing guru R. Craig LeFebvre weaves together multi-level theories of change, research and case studies to explain and illustrate the development of social marketing to address some of society’s most vexing problems. The result is a people-centered approach that relies on insight and empathy as much as on data for the inspiration, design and management of programs that strive for changes for good. This text is ideal for students and professionals in health, nonprofit, business, social services, and other areas.

Click to preview this book on

Trend of the Week -- Teens and Technology 2013
Smartphone adoption among American teens has increased substantially and mobile access to the internet is pervasive. One in four teens are “cell-mostly” internet users, who say they mostly go online using their phone and not using some other device such as a desktop or laptop computer. These are among the new findings from a nationally representative Pew Research Center survey of 802 youth ages 12-17 and their parents that explored technology use. Key findings include:
·         78% of teens now have a cell phone, and almost half (47%) of them own smartphones. That translates into 37% of all teens who have smartphones, up from just 23% in 2011.
·         23% of teens have a tablet computer, a level comparable to the general adult population.
·         95% of teens use the internet.
·         93% of teens have a computer or have access to one at home. Seven in ten (71%) teens with home computer access say the laptop or desktop they use most often is one they share with other family members.

To download the full report, go to:

Resource of the Week –  Resources for Nonprofit Financial Management
Organizations with strong financial management are better able to fulfill their missions and deliver high-quality services. The Wallace Foundation, with Fiscal Management Associates, a leading financial management consultant for nonprofits, has created a library of resources to help your organization become "fiscally fit."  The library covers four key areas of strong financial management:
·         Planning: With budgeting and financial analysis, you can use your resources strategically to help achieve your organization's goals.
·         Monitoring: Regularly review financial results to ensure you're using resources according to your plan – and advancing organizational objectives.
·         Operations: A strong infrastructure for planning and monitoring means both employees who know how to analyze information and software that helps them.
·         Governance: Your board of directors should provide the oversight and guidance to ensure the organization fulfills its obligations – and its mission.

To access the library of resources, go to:

Tech Tip of the Week -- Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel 2007/2010
If you are a fan of keyboard shortcuts you will be happy to know that most of the shortcuts we've used for years work exactly the same in Excel 2007/2010.  Here's a list of some of my favorites:
·         Start a new line in the same cell -- Alt + Enter
·         Selects the entire worksheet or the current range -- Ctrl + A
·         Undoes the last action -- Ctrl + Z
·         Redoes the last action -- Ctrl + Y
·         Calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks -- F9
·         Copy selected cells -- Ctrl + C
·         Paste -- Ctrl + V

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